Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) | iHanuman


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Ardha Matsyendrasana

English Name: 
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Practice Type: 
Practice Level: 
Asana Image: 
Model: Kino MacGregor Photo Credit: Coni Hörler
Asana Description: 

(with support , eg. Folded blanket between buttock and foot; against wall (LOY 307 (wrapping arms around knee-308 – arm outside thigh)– Siva explained to his consort, Parvati, the mysteries of yoga. A fish nearby listened the entire talk and remained motionless. Siva sprinkled water on the fish so he gained a divine form and became Matsyendra who thereafter spread the knowledge of Yoga.

Geometry: The left leg is bent so the knee stetches out in front and I sit on the inner sole of my foot. The right leg is bent as in Maricyasana and the foot crosses over the left thigh. The left armpit is on the outside of the right knee as in Maricyasana III and the chest is lifted and turned towards the right.

First Teaching:

a. Sitting on the foot with the other leg in Maricyasana
Sit in Dandasana Bend the left knee and keep the calf adjacent to the thigh. Lift the seat and place the left foot underneath the buttocks. The left foot is horizontal, outer edge of the foot and little toe must rest on the ground. Bend the right leg in Maricyasana. Place the left buttock on the left heel and the right buttock on the big toe side of the left foot. Balance. Note: In this sitting position, adjusting the seat on the arch of the left foot is important. This relieves one from foot pain and dissolves the calcaneal spurs.
b. Sitting on the foot and crossing the Marichyasana leg
Cross the right leg OVER the left thigh and place it on the outer side of the bent knee, closer to the left leg. Keep the leg upright. Hold the right knee with the left hand and bring the knee in line with the center of the trunk and balance.

Use of the Wall
Sit in Dandasana with your right hip a couple of inches away from the wall
1. Bend the outside (left) leg. Extend through the inner heel and place the outer left foot on the floor. Sit with the left buttock bone on the inner left heel and the right buttock bone on the inner left big toe mound.
2. Cross the right foot over the left thigh and place the foot on the outside of the left thigh near the knee. Press the four corners of the right foot into the floor as in Tadasana (particularly the inner edge of the foot as in Maricyasana I and Malasana)
3. Clasp the hands around the front of the right shin. Pull on the clasped hands. Lengthen the outer hips down and lift the chest. Balance.
4. Raise the left arm up and cross the armpit onto the outside of the right knee.
5. Lengthen from the pubis to the navel and from the navel to the sternum to lengthen the front of the body.
6. Lengthen the outer hips down to lengthen both sides of the waist.
7. Use the two hands on the wall to take the outer shoulders back and broaden the collar bones.
8. Twist towards the wall using the hands on the wall and the outer armpit against the knee to twist the left waist towards the wall as you would in Maricyasana III.


Possible Second Teachings:
Lift the chest and lengthen both sides of the waist as in Malasana, Maricyasana, Janu Sirsasana.
Draw the outer shoulders back and take the shoulder blades into the back as in these same poses.
Use armpit against the back the knee and the wall to twist the torso as in Maricyasana III and Parivrtta Parsvakonasana.

Sanskrit Pronunciation: 
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Beginners Tips: 
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Modifications and Props : 
Those who are able to do the asana without the support of a wall should also try it against the wall for an intense massage of the abdominal organs and of the spinal column. 
If balancing on the foot is difficult, then take a folded blanket between the buttocks and the foot.

2. Take both the arms around the right leg embracing it. In this case the 
trunk remains upright and the lower back finds relief. 
Those who are overweight may find it difficult to sit on the foot. They should place the heel next to the buttock and place a blanket 2 or 3 inches thick under the buttock so that the buttock is up and the heel is on the floor. 
Those who cannot hold the hands behind the back should place the perpendicular leg near the right knee so that the abdomen is not compressed. Instead of turning the right arm backwards, stretch it and hold the big toe of the left foot as in Padangustasana.
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Teachers' photos of this Asana

Model: Lois Steinberg, PhD
by Lois Steinberg
Model: Elsie Escobar
by Elsie Escobar
Model: Jennifer Elliott
Model: Jennifer Elliott
by Jennifer Elliott
Model: Erich Schiffmann, Moving Into Stillness
by Erich Schiffmann
Model: Matthew Harris
by Matthew Harris, MSSW, LMFT, CYT
Model: Kino MacGregor Photo Credit: Coni Hörler
Model: Kino MacGregor Photo Credit: Coni Hörler
by Kino MacGregor

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