Blogs | Page 17 | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga


The reason why we practice, in the west, fast and vigorous yoga, is because we have lost the ability to slow down or be still. We go fast internally as well as externally. On a daily basis we move fast and we think fast. We get up in the morning with the feeling that we are already behind. We sit in front of our computers bombarded by demands to reply NOW. We are constantly catching our breath… and you know what catching the breath means? It means your breath goes faster than you, running away from you, and you try to catch it.

slow yoga
Yoga Style: 

It has been a while since I have been on this site and I hope to be here more- to see all the wonderful things it has to offer as well as stay more activr myself. 





Yoga Style: 

At the age of 10 I made a clear decision to never age. As a young sweet little girl whose main concern was to get as much attention as possible from the boys, at school I was terrified by the thought that I will ever have wrinkles, so I made a clear decision to kill my self at the age of 30.

Yoga Style: 

In Yoga, shoulder stand is known as the queen of all asanas while headstand is the king of all asanas. Thus, subtly suggesting that headstand is superior to shoulder stand

But we all know that behind every powerful king there is an even more powerful queen…J

The question remains: is headstand stand actually ‘better’ or more powerful than shoulder stand?

Yoga Style: 

AHIMSA is a a two-day festival celebrating yoga and music. AHIMSA will promote traditional and emerging yoga styles, provide beautiful music in a green setting while providing you with access to emerging conscious companies and innovations in yoga. October 4-5, 2014!

Ahimsa Yoga and Music Festival

Sauca santosa tapah svadhyaya isvarapranidhanani niyamah

Cleanliness, contentment, religious zeal, self-study and surrender of the self to the supreme Self or God are the niyamas.”(II.32, iyengar)

Yoga Style: 

“In his search he discovers the three noble ways of word (jnana), work (karma), and worship (bhakti), which teach him that his inner light is the only guide leading to mastery over his own life.”
- BKS Iyengar, Light on Pranayama


Yoga Style: 

ahimsa satya asteya brahmacarya aparigrahah yamah

Non-violence, truth, abstention from stealing, continence, and absence of greed for possessions beyond one’s need are the five pillars of yama.
sutra II.30, light on the yoga sutras, bks iyengar


Yoga Style: 


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