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Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga


We just finished our Yogathon and Blissfest meeting last night. There is so much to do to make an event like this happen. Last night, I went to bed probably like all the other committee members thinking "man, there is so much to do for this event it is overwhelming. How can I possibly do all of this along with all the other millions of things I have to do in my life?"

It is good during these times to have a check in with oneself. Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you ever do that? Just stop and think about why you are doing the things you do?

This past Saturday I attended the Step It up 2007 rally here in Charlottesville, as part of the nationwide effort to raise awareness about global warming and to convince lawmakers to create legislation and policy changes to reduce greenhouse emissions 80% by 2050. Despite the rain, about 150 people showed up to hear speakers from engineers to city councilmen, from biodiesel enthusiasts to environmental lawyers.

Casa De MilagrosAnusara Yoga teacher Tanya Beilke is leading a Yoga and Seva Retreat May 10-19 to the Sacred Valley in Peru.

Michelle and I watched Born into Brothels last night, a moving documentary about a children living in Calcutta's red light district. Having seen first hand children living on the streets of India, and knowing how desperate and hopeless those situations typically are, I was even more inspired by the incredible work of Dr. Prabhavati and Ramana's Garden, a home and school for orphans and destitute children in the mountains of Northern India.

This weekend I was thrilled to be asked to talk about "Love" at my friend Tom and Rhonda's wedding. Since I have always wanted to get a doctorate in the "Philosophy of Love" this was an apt topic.

We spend so much time thinking about it and it is good to become clear about what this powerful force called Love really is.

Here are excerpts from the wedding speech I came up with. Enjoy:

KarmapaloozaOn March 17th, yogis will gather in Miami Beach, Florida at The Dezerland Plaza Hotel to participate in the 4th Annual Karmapalooza.

The Buddha has said "All that we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." What are you thinking today?

Many of us can get caught up in the idea that we have to be in a relationship to enjoy Valentine's Day. And many people become depressed or lonely on Valentine's Day. Everyone around us is receiving flowers, candy and invitations to fancy dinners. Even those of us in relationships build up expectations about what we are supposed to receive or perhaps compare our relationships to those of others. We are lead to desire more instead of being content with who we are or what we already have.

Karl Straub, a Jivamukti yoga teacher and Regional Director for the Yoga Studies Institute (founded by Geshe Michael Roach), along with some friends in NYC, have begun a project called Ahimsa School.

Rama's BridgeThe recently discovered bridge, currently named as Adam's Bridge, made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long, in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka, reveals a mystery behind it. The bridge's unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made.


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