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Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga


was created by Lara Cestone as a "place online where yogis and yoginis can listen to their peeps (people)." Lara interviews some of the best yoga teachers on the planet and, with help from her partner, Erick Hedin, turns these into free podcasts for the yoga community to download and subscribe to. Check the archive for past episodes with your favorite teachers, see who Lara is going to interview next, listen to meaningful and insightful conversations on how yoga practice can to make a lasting difference in your lives and a positive impact on our world.

hatha yoga teacher foundation course
chiang mai, thailand
nov 20 - dec 17, 2006
This course will give you an opportunity to acquire the skills and confidence necessary to teach yoga. By the end of the 28 days you will be able to incorporate postures, breath awareness, meditation, chanting, scriptural and self-studies, safe biomechanics and an attitude of service into creative and adaptive teachings. This foundational training will emphasize deepening your personal practice, as getting to know yourself better is the source of inspiring teachings.
Our Approach

The first time I met Richard Freeman, director of the Yoga Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, was during the overture to the Primary Series (Ashtanga's classic postures): Sun Salutation number seven out of 10 on my first visit to his studio. Heeding the warnings about the crowds at his Sunday 3pm mysore class, I arrived cautiously early to claim a space. A good thing: By 2:55 the room buzzed with breath. At 2:59, Richard had not yet arrived. Uncertain of the protocol, I stood, pulse quickening, toes gripping my mat. I followed the cue of my classmates and began to practice.

Yoga Style: 


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