Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts

The Fall
My body was in motion, falling 30 feet down.
As I fell, time didn’t slow down, it simply stopped. Maybe because I fell at the speed of light ;-) or maybe when you take off from your usual orbit the laws of nature cease to exist.
As I was in the air I was very clear and very relaxed. I thought: “Is this going to be the end?” I felt a bit disappointed as I was in the middle of teaching a yoga teacher training program, and I had a few things to do in my life. I didn’t resist the fall with my body. I let my body fall like a heavy pillow and I hit the rock on the ground. The impact was incredible: bones and flesh hitting the ground at a speed that is only meant for diving birds. I lost my breath but not my consciousness. I watched my body in its stillness; no air moved in or out. I knew at this moment I was entering a new era of my existence, but I wasn’t sure yet if it was in the form of death or a new kind of life. I wondered if the reason I was not breathing was because one of my ribs had pierced my lung. I decided to gather all the energy that was left in my...

posted: 9 years 5 months ago
slow yoga
posted: 10/8/14
The reason why we practice, in the west, fast and vigorous yoga, is because we have lost the ability to slow down or be still. We go fast internally as well as externally. On a daily basis we move fast and we think fast. We get up in the morning with the feeling that we are already behind. We sit in front of our computers bombarded by demands to reply NOW. We are constantly catching our breath… and you know what catching the breath means? It means your breath goes faster than you, running away from you, and you try to catch it. In the action of catching our breath we run out of breath and we...
posted: 9/21/14
At the age of 10 I made a clear decision to never age. As a young sweet little girl whose main concern was to get as much attention as possible from the boys, at school I was terrified by the thought that I will ever have wrinkles, so I made a clear decision to kill my self at the age of 30. At the age of 30 I couldn’t wait to be 50 years old. I was already deep into the spiritual path, looking for my way out of the misery of my own existence. I was in a rapid process of letting go. Letting go of my past, my roots, letting go of all my identifications while forming a new self, a spiritual...
posted: 9/18/14
In Yoga, shoulder stand is known as the queen of all asanas while headstand is the king of all asanas. Thus, subtly suggesting that headstand is superior to shoulder stand But we all know that behind every powerful king there is an even more powerful queen…J The question remains: is headstand stand actually ‘better’ or more powerful than shoulder stand? 1. Many people that are practicing headstand are not strong enough in their shoulders, arms and back muscles so they lean on their head and compress their neck to compensate. The small neck vertebrae were never designed to hold the weight of...

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