Journal Posts | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

Journal Posts

I woke up Sunday morning to an email message from my friends who were visiting from California saying, "I am so sorry that your event got rained out...." It did rain for the Yogathon and Blissfest. Hard, torrential rain. In retrospect, I am so glad it did.

On event day, at 10:15a.m. Saturday morning I took 3 steps on the field at Thunderbird stadium and my flip flops became 'slip slops'... It was a wet field worthy of a brutal rugby match or for a medieval Excalibur type battle, but hardly the type of weather that would ever inspire people to come practice yoga outdoors and listen to live music.

Feeling dejected, I asked myself, how this could happen. I know most people think of Vancouver as rain soaked, but in July the grass turns brown. In 7 years of teaching outdoor yoga 5 days a week, I have only been rained out 5 times. Why today would our luck change. After all the hard work we all put into this event.

On our way back to the event with a truck full of tarps, I asked Insiya, "What is the lesson here?"

I wasn't sure. What I did know is that I was looking...

posted: 16 years 9 months ago
posted: 5/3/07
We just finished our Yogathon and Blissfest meeting last night. There is so much to do to make an event like this happen. Last night, I went to bed probably like all the other committee members thinking "man, there is so much to do for this event it is overwhelming. How can I possibly do all of this along with all the other millions of things I have to do in my life?" It is good during these times to have a check in with oneself. Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you ever do that? Just stop and think about why you are doing the things you do? Hatha Yoga teaches me that. If we find...
posted: 5/3/07
I have a new habit. It is free, simple and fills me with peace. Moon Bathing. Try it sometime. Find a place to sit, lie or be mellow. Turn off everything electronic. Bask in moonlight. I am lucky that the we have a huge window in our place that faces due east. Each month around the full moon when the Pacific Northwest skies are clear, you'll find me surrounded by pillows on a futon in the white light of the moon. How many past generations have enjoyed such simple splendors? With 70% of your being made of water, allow the tides of your soul overflow. Let the deep peace of this radiant sphere...
posted: 3/18/07
This weekend I was thrilled to be asked to talk about "Love" at my friend Tom and Rhonda's wedding. Since I have always wanted to get a doctorate in the "Philosophy of Love" this was an apt topic. We spend so much time thinking about it and it is good to become clear about what this powerful force called Love really is. Here are excerpts from the wedding speech I came up with. Enjoy: Is there any other concept that is more important that LOVE? I spend so much of my life trying to answer many questions about Love: Specifically, 'What is it?', 'Why does it feel so good?' and 'How does so much...

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