Journal Posts | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

Journal Posts

Dear Friends,
Many greetings!
We find that our beautiful Yoga Hall in Eftalou grows more welcoming each year! This May and June we held courses with wonderful students from fourteen different countries around the world and enjoyed the benefits offered by superb body-workers and therapists who also traveled to study with us.
For over thirty years we have been traveling continually to bring our teaching around the world. Now that we have finally built this lovely Yoga hall on the island of Lesvos, Greece, we feel it is time to call it "home" and teach our courses and workshops for as long as possible here.
We also believe that the longer courses we offer in Eftalou are much more beneficial than the shorter workshops we give on tour.
It is near impossible to explain in words what Yoga is for us or what students gain from our teaching, as it is such a very personal experience. What we offer is not so much a 'work-out' but rather a chance to go deeper inside, to unwind, unravel and undo habits that limit our experience. It is an opportunity to...

posted: 11 years 11 months ago
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