Journal Posts | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

Journal Posts

In response to my students requests for help in establishing a home practice, I have just released a new CD called Healing Moves Yoga. The 72-minute practice is divided into five sections, so you can do just one section, two, three, four or all five, depending on your time. Two sections are completely restorative: Centering and Breathing (12:24 minutes) Relaxation (13:37 minutes) a guided head-to-toe tension reliever. Three sections synchronize movement with the breath: Warm Ups (17:09 minutes) a whole-body stretch, plus some strengthening postures Standing Poses (15:37) Strength and balance postures with some stretching Lying Down Poses (13:04) Back-strengthening and stretching postures You can purchase a digital download here, at the download page. You can also purchase the CD from my website,, or at CD Baby, -- search for Krucoff -- can get a 40% discount for purchasing multiple copies.

posted: 11 years 11 months ago
posted: 8/27/10
Seniors age 65 and older represent the fastest-growing sector of the population and, like many Americans, are increasingly drawn to yoga. This presents both an extraordinary opportunity and a serious challenge for yoga instructors who must be both a resource and guardians of safety for this uniquely vulnerable group. A typical class of seniors is likely to represent the most diverse mix of abilities of any age group. While some may be exceedingly healthy, most fit the profile of the average older adult in America, 80% of whom have at least one chronic health condition and 50% of whom have at...
posted: 12/1/08
Dear Friends, The International Association of Yoga Therapists ( is presenting the third annual Symposium for Yoga Therapy and Research (SYTAR); the premier professional forum in the field of Yoga therapy is designed for experienced yoga teachers, yoga therapists and those involved with health care and Yoga research. SYTAR 2009 is geared for yoga professionals to learn, meet, discuss and practice among peers. Up to 22 continuing education units from Yoga Alliance serve to enhance this event. As well, SYTAR 2009 will have CEUs available for other related fields. I am delighted to...

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