Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts

There is an aspect of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice called tristana. Like "yoga" it is both a practice and the state achieved through the repetition of that practice. I'm hoping to get up a few blogs that will look at tristanafrom a few viewpoints, all of which have emerged organically from practice and teaching. First of all, though, let's lay the groundwork with some definitions and background.

Other than good ol' blood, sweat, and tears on the mat, I have learned the little bit I know about tristana from study of books on Ashtanga and, to a lesser extent, study with Western Ashtanga teachers. In something like 15 total weeks spent with Sharath, to my knowledge I have not heard him discuss it, but this isn't much of a surprise. He has his hands full; at any given time at least 50% (usually more) of the students at the shala seem to be relative beginners in the sense that they are working on Primary and possibly the first third of Intermediate. Remember that additional techniques (eg Ashtanga pranayama) are not taught until at least the completion...

posted: 11 years 11 months ago
posted: 6/11/12
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga has an obvious, linear progression. As you master a posture, you add another posture. The difficulty of postures steadily increases, as does the challenge to your endurance. Adding postures, making the practice longer and smoother, being able to accomplish more and more difficult postures: these are all signs of progress.   But sometimes you get stuck, for one reason or another. For example, personally I had a period of about six months of working to achieve basic competence in Kapotasana (catching the heels) when I didn't add anything else-stuck. I'm also...

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