Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts


posted: 11 years 11 months ago
posted: 6/11/12
This is a question I have been getting more and more of lately, so I think I will write a bit... Yoga is technically a science, specific formulas as how to become closer to God. It comes from a culture heavily steeped in the Hindu Religion, and so there is some overlap. However, because it is a science, I feel that Yoga can enhance any religion or belief because it is about trusting in God, surrendering to God, loving God with all your being, and seeing God in all beings. I understand how some might think Yoga a religion because of the Sanskrit chanting, or mysterious ceremony with incense,...
posted: 6/11/12
OK, everyday is mother's day, please don't get so affected by Hallmark's marketing and propaganda, and if you do cave in and buy something, try to make it a sustainable, conscious, earth-friendly purchase (hint: massage gift certificate! yoga workshop!). A good friend of mine (and revered yoga master) recently suggested that we adjust our students like they were our mothers, (not friends, siblings, or lovers). This was to encourage a neutrality and gentleness to the hands-on adjustment, so it is never done without awareness. It reminded me of Thich Nhat Hanh's "Mother...
posted: 6/11/12
Samtosha is the Sanskrit term for contentment - it is one of the guidelines of a Yogi seeking union with God. On a daily basis, there are a million opportunities for me to practice this, (enough to eat, enough sleep, enough this, enough that, enough). But there are some bigger feeling events happening that challenge my ability to find contentment as easily as I do when I stop eating when I am full, (instead of cleaning the plate). Like our current political choices in leadership. Or our current political occupation in foreign lands. Actually I feel fairly content about our Democratic choices...
posted: 6/11/12
Finding "the deeper pull of what you truly love" is the underbelly of what I teach. A lot of people might think it is self-indulgent to follow our passion, to work when we want to work, to rest when we need rest. But following our heart's deepest desire energizes us to "work tirelessly for the greatest good." Instead of struggling through our days trying to meet a set of ill-defined standards, waiting for things to get better, we can LIVE. But we have to choose to live free. The moment won't demand it. Life won't say to us, "You must be here, you must...
posted: 6/11/12
Breathing In, it's the very first act of life outside of the womb. Breathing Out, it's the very last thing we do before we die. In-between that first in-breath and final out-breath are millions of opportunities to remember this powerful energy. The yogis call it Prana: that which is everywhere, connecting us all; and on a smaller scale - that energy which moves the breath throughout our bodies. But what most people don't realize is the power of breath can increase or decrease energy, improve health and bodily functions, and reduce stress. A quick Google search can show you...
posted: 6/11/12
During the time I write this, it is Thanksgiving, a time of thankfulness. I don't think we stop enough to remember how blessed we are. We (assuming this email goes out to residents of the US) are so privileged, it is really amazing. We have access to clean water, food anytime anywhere, I cannot remember ever knowing someone who truly was hungry, ever! From a yogic standpoint, perhaps we are all souls who chose this time (20th century) and this place (good ole USA) to grow closer to God. How can we remember to do that when abundance is shoved down our throats? We can make small changes in...
posted: 6/11/12
Remember, so much of who we are is conditioning. Media, family, culture all pressure us into conformity and consumerism during this time of year (even some yoga centers with enticing ads like 10% off!). However, being a conscious yogi, you can reduce stress greatly during this time with these reminders: BREATHE - Take a BREATH BREAK at the very first sign of tension rising. Pause, inhaled deeply, and let the out breath just fall out - even with a loud "Haaaaaaaaaa" if it's not too embarrassing. And there is always good ole Lions Face to really help release tension. (Stick...
posted: 6/11/12
If you've been following the news, you know last week's massive, peaceful demonstrations protesting the Burma/Myanmar dictatorship have been followed by severe repression and brutality. Reports of possibly 200 monks being killed in retaliation cannot be verified or confirmed, because of the media blackout and military crackdown. They were heard by a Burmese army major, Major Win, who defected because he did not want to be part of killing civilians and monks. But certainly the death count is higher than the official government count of 9 people. Somewhere in the range of 1,400...
posted: 6/11/12
Warm your heart with the softness of a loving thought for billions of years of peace, prosperity and bliss for our children's children. Praise and bless them as peaceful, loving and evolved beings who live in an enlightened and sustainable society. This loving thought will make it so! We live in a culture that vibrates at a higher frequency than our ancestors did: emails, cell phones, fast cars, fast food, electrical wires, etc. This vibration causes stress to our beings. Our ancestors stress was usually immediate, and would subside once the threat was gone. Not today. We live in chronic...
posted: 6/11/12
Green Yoga This is a strange title, because what exactly does "green" anything mean nowadays? Yoga itself means balance, and the implication of "green" in front of it might bring to mind: Environmental Yoga Studio, or, Environmentally Friendly Practices at the Studio, or Earth friendly Yoga Teachers. Our studio is sort of those things, and sort of not. We are located in a pretty conscious town, relatively speaking, compared to the rest of the United States, especially SouthEast. Given our groovy locale, we recycle, use enviro-friendly cleaning products and sell bio-...

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