Blogs | Page 51 | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga


"I work at a job I truly love. I work with people I love and who love and respect me. I express myself creatively through my work and I earn a good income doing it." ~ Louise Hay

I remember seeing Dr. Masaru Emoto's incredible images of water molecules several years ago. As the rain finally falls on our farm after several weeks of drought, I am so appreciative of the water. It is as if everything breathes a sigh of relief. One of my teachers, pauses during workshops to give thanks as she takes a sip of water as if it is the most precious thing in the world. And it is! Our access to clean air and clean water are basic human rights and yet millions of people live without access to clean drinking water.

"Good things come to those who wait, but often as a result of those who hustle."
~ A Taste of China Fortune Cookie

Two weeks of gratitude and how do I feel? In a word, Grateful. It has had a profound impact on my overall state of mind. It is like when you go to your mat on those weeks where it feels like going to your mat is the only thing going well. You are just so thankful for your practice or the respite from a busy day. My morning page commitment has been like this. It puts me in a good mood immediately because I know I am eventually going to be grateful. I have also been able to use this practice to help some of my friends who are having a difficult day.

For the last nine months, I have taken an herbal medicine course with Sacred Plant Traditions under the tutelage of Kathleen Maier. Herbal Medicine combines so many of interests in health, healing, botany, language and beauty. This weekend I am finishing my final project for the course and I am thankful for the opportunity to share what I have learned. First and foremost, I have been introduced to the plants ( most of which grow in my backyard ) and the energetics of the plants.

Today I am blessed with little ones. First by my black cat, Deva, who loves to snuggle with me every morning while I write my morning pages. I am so appreciative of her love that I take what I can get. On Fridays, I walk with my friend Erika and her blossoming 3 month old, Elsie. The leaves are still turning colors since we continue to have warm days. We walk a perfect one-hour loop on the Rockfish ValleyTrail. And it is fun to watch Elsie grow so quickly every week.

We started iHanuman as an independent media company providing enriching and uplifting high-quality content on the ancient science and art of yoga. There is enough that we encounter on a day-to-day basis that is confrontational and rajasic. iHanuman aims to be a voice that rises through the crowds helping to raise the vibration of the planet. And we appreciate everyone who listens and participates in this little dream of ours. We are so grateful for all of the teachers who contribute and for all of the students who listen, comment, subscribe, and download.

Last night I listened to an interview and meditation with Susan Piver. And it made me grateful for people who are walking a peaceful path. This is not necessarily the path of least resistance, but a commitment to listen to your own truth while being compassionate to another's. In Buddhism, All Life Is Suffering.

I have decided over the past few years to do a better job of scheduling around my moon time. Of course, there is always work to be done that cannot be avoided, but perhaps it can be postponed to a more appropriate time. In many ways, I have no other choice, as I have fairly painful menstrual cycles, so I am forced to stay present with them. Many of my wise elder female teachers speak about this time not only as a preparation for conceiving and motherhood, but also for Menopause.

It was already dark, when I returned home from Richmond last night. My husband had already cleaned the house and was ready to cook dinner. ( More on this cutie later ). We crawled into bed and were asleep by 9pm! The sun woke me up this morning as it usually does, but of course it was "early". While I sometimes feel it is just another way of man controlling nature and we are already shunning the use of clocks except when necessary, this year I choose to be grateful.


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