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Journal Posts

Official iHanuman Media Reviewer
Beth discovered yoga through videos in the fall of 2001.  At that point, the selection was more limited, but like many others before her, she began with Patricia Walden's Yoga for Beginners and moved on from there.  Happily, yoga offerings on the market have increased exponentially over the past decade, and now Beth owns a collection of more than 30 yoga DVDs (not to mention her iHanuman practices!).  In 2004, Beth attended her first yoga class at her local community center, and since that time, she has sampled all of the major yoga studios in her area.  She has also had the opportunity to take workshops with several well-known yoga instructors, including Leslie Kaminoff, Desiree Rumbaugh, and Ana Brett/Ravi Singh.
A long-time avid reader, Beth began reviewing books as a hobby on, at first using this as simply a record of the books she had read.  As exercising became another growing passion (in addition to yoga, Beth regularly engages in cardio and strength training workouts; she particularly enjoys kickboxing), Beth expanded...

posted: 11 years 11 months ago
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