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Journal Posts

Use the heat of your attention to cleanse your consciousness: KRIYA YOGA
Kriya means "action", or "deed"; Kriya practice is the "divine action" of purifying your consciousness.
We are Pure Consciousness. But in the manifest world, as our consciousness mixes with the senses, it is influenced by the limits of those senses. The more the two mix, the more we begin to identify with and believe we are that limited perception of the world.
Now, the senses do of course mean the five physical means of perceiving life and the world around us. But it's important to remember the mind is also a sense. Memory, belief patterns and the like are all ways of filtering our experience and reducing our ability to fully experience our awareness and the universe. Kriya techniques purify our consciousness from the memories and patterns that mold and limit it, so it can become liberated and expand to experience full awareness: divine inspiration and all possibilities and forms.
Kriya techniques are designed to draw our consciousness in (pratyahara), in...

posted: 11 years 11 months ago
posted: 6/11/12
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama alternate-nostril-breathing This profound technique creates a balance between the right and left sides of the brain. The right nostril governs the sympathetic nervous system; it is related to teh mathematical, aanalytical, active, left side of the brain, harnessing Ha, or sun energy.  The left nostril governs the parasympathetic nervous system, the creative, free-associative, passive side of the brain, ruled by Tha, or moon energy. Every eight-eight minutes, one of these nostrils is dominant, then for up to four minutes both nostrils operate equally, and for the next...
posted: 6/11/12
When we arrived at our first stop in India, the doctor who oversees the Ayurvedic clinic and spa for the Chennai Taj Hotel was most excited to meet us. He was thrilled that I was a Western teacher who knew about things like Ayurvedic assessments, Marma Adi and more. He gave us a lecture on the importance of daily Abhyanga, including a mini-variation of the technique that's easier and more accessible for many of us. I was so taken with it I'm now incorporating it into the grounding practice after daily meditation. Abhyanga is a massage practice, traditionally done with sesame oil to...
posted: 6/11/12
In Tantric philosophy, the gunas, rajas, tamas, and sattva are  qualities of nature that come about as matter develops. They then go on to influence our entire lives. Each guna can be identified in us as a certain state of being. When one is rajasic, one tends to be activated, judgmental and heated.  When tamasic one tends to be lethargic, depressed, and lacking in self-confidence. When sattvic one becomes balanced, understanding and compassionate. For example, if one person criticizes another as being non-yogic, the complainer is in a rajasic state because he is being judgmental.  With this...

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