Journal Posts | iHanuman


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Journal Posts

As we step into spring, we move forward out of darkness and into light. Flowers bloom and babies are born. It is a time of renewal.  If you're like me, there are times when your practice has become routine and lackluster. Stale. Even boring.  Use spring as a time to introduce a new sense of play and investigation into your practice.  Take this time to address a pose or series of poses that are challenging to you and approach them without attachment. I particularly like arm balances and inversions(who doesn't love a little handstand at the wall at impromptu moments?) but any remix of your old routine will do.  Always do triangle first? Maybe make a pact not to do it for the next week. Replace it with something less familiar, or better yet, replace it with a pose you tend to avoid (parvrtta trikonasana perhaps).
Whichever route you choose, remember to have a sense of compassion for yourself. You may fall. You may struggle. But shake it off with a laugh and continue to practice. Invite playfullness into your practice and watch it grow like a flower in the spring!

posted: 11 years 10 months ago
posted: 6/11/12
You can tell alot about a person through the food they eat. The choices we make about food begins to show what a person thinks about herself, her environment, her body, even her beliefs. For instance, Yoga Teacher = Vegetarian. Right?  It turns out, not as often as you'd think. I for one,  did not become a vegetarian for "yogic" reasons, nor because of PETA ads, nor did I harbor a particularly large sentiment for the animals we eat (that all came later). My long path to eating a plant based diet began during my first pregnancy.  I had been horribly ill and was eating whatever I...
posted: 6/11/12
 With so many styles of yoga available the question inevitably rises: what makes this one different than the next? Each lineage seems to claim that they have the answers, that they are the safest, or most informed, or most spiritual. What about the seemingly non-denominational yoga teachers out there, the purely physical practitioners? Are they really practicing yoga or merely acrobatics? And how is a student to choose?  Over my years of practicing yoga I have had many conversations in this line of thought. It seems the alignment based traditions are at odds with the "spiritual"...
posted: 6/11/12
Budget Friendly, Earth Friendly. What's not to love?
posted: 6/11/12
Did you ever stop and wonder how you got here? Not here as in this website, but HERE, this spot in your life? How did I end up in this job? This relationship? How did I put on those extra 10 lbs? In reflection we see that there were a lot of small choices that were made along the way. We may have had bigger dreams , but in the meantime, the groceries have to be bought, the bills need to be paid.....maybe sometime we'll get to those goals......right?  But what if I said it's all those little things that where distracting us from our goals? There's always something else that...
posted: 6/11/12
Because a little pincha makes anyone's day better! Pincha dropbacks
posted: 6/11/12
Recently I've had several friends who find themselves in dissolving relationships. It can be tough to know how to support them, what to say, what not to say. My friend Chris has written an article about how to be a supportive friend, I hope that you, like me, find it useful!

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