Gratitude Day 26: Shopping Responsibly | iHanuman


Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga

Gratitude Day 26: Shopping Responsibly

On a bad day,�Â�  the over-consumption in our culture can cause me to rant and rave. On good days, I tend to just look at it as the way things are. Usually my husband and I boycott shopping on Black Friday in particular. But this year actually felt a little bit different. We have been working hard in 2010 to simplify and de-clutter. We have made several trips to the recycling center and donated countless items to the free-cycle shed and the local thrift store. By doing this, we have a more accurate accounting for what we have and what we need. It became very clear to me that my husband has been wearing hand-me-downs for many years now and it was time for an upgrade, so we took advantage of the holiday sales and got some great deals on a few strategic items to dress up his wardrobe. We also wanted to support our economy this year. So today was a good day for shopping because we knew exactly what we needed , we got great deals and we supported some businesses at a time when everyone needs our support.

How can you shop responsibly this holiday season? Do you know exactly what you need so you do not go overboard and make impulse purchases? Take some time to get organized and have fun giving thoughtfully to your loved ones this season.


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