Neutral to Cooling | iHanuman


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Neutral to Cooling

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Megan Bowles in Prasarita Padottanasana II
Geometry: The Legs are Spread Wide Apart as in Prasarita Padattonasana I. The arms are behind the back with the palms together in Pascima Namaskar. The head extends down towards the floor.
From Salamba Sarvangasana I, remove your hands from your back and interlace your fingers behind you. Maintain your outer shoulders on the blankets as you turn your thumbs down towards the floor and open the palms away from you.  1.Press the arms and hands down as you continue to lift your back ribs and shoulderblades into the back. 2. Lift the buttocks up towards the ceiling as you reach the inner legs up. 3. Keep this as you move your buttocks foward and your thighs back.
Model: Dona Holleman
This pose is similar to Sukhasana (Easy Pose) in the shape of the pose, but in Svastikasana the feet are active, whereas in Sukhasana, the feet are passive.  The legs are folded in a triangle with the feet under the knees/thighs and the shins crossed in the center line. The torso is upright with the shoulders over the hips. To practice this pose, sit in Dandasana and bend the right knee and place the right foot under the left knee or lower thigh. Then bend the left knee and place the left shin in front of the right shin and the foot under the right knee or lower right thigh. 
Bobby Clennell in Parsva Halasana
Geometry: In this variation of Halasana – The legs are stretched straight overhead towards one side of the body and then the other side.  
Model: Shaaron Honeycutt
Geometry: The standing leg and torso are in Uttanasana with one leg extended up towards the ceiling. 
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
With the back on the floor, the back of the head, neck and shoulders remain on the floor. The pelvis is lifted and supported on a block. The Legs are extended.1. Lie on the floor, knees bent, toes pointing towards the wall. 2. Keep the head, neck and shoulders on the floor, press the feet on the floor and raise the hips/buttocks off the floor.3. Place a block vertically under the sacrum towards the tailbone.4. Straighten the legs, one at a time, the center of the back of the heels  on the floor.5. Externally rotate the arms and open the chest.6. Extend the arms along the floor towards the feet.
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
Geometry: In this inverted pose, the weight of the body is on the upper arms, shoulders and back of the head (as in Salamba Sarvangasana). The hands are on the back and the legs are stretched straight overhead. a. From the floor
b. From Salamba Sarvangasana
If you cannot swing the legs up or cannot lift the buttocks up from the floor keep a bolster or a block under the buttocks to elevate them. From Supta Tadasana:
Kate Hallahan Zuckerman in Salamba Sarvangasana I
Salamba Sarvangasana literally translates as Supported Whole Body Pose. Figuratively, this meaning holds true as the whole body benefits from this pose. 1. Start in Supta Tadasana, palms down, with 3  four-fold blankets on top of an two-fold blanket on your sticky mat.
Siegfried Bleher in Malasana
1. Squat on the haunches with the feet together; inner sides of the feet, thighs and calves touching. The soles and the heels should rest completely on the floor. Raise the seat from the floor and balance. 2. Stretch the arms forward, in line with the shoulders, the palms face the floor. 3. Take the arms backwards, hold the backs of the ankles. Separate the knees and stretch the spine forward. Stay in this posture for 10 - 15 seconds. 4. Take the arms behind the back and clasp your hands. Stretch the spine so that it is parallel to the floor.
Virasana Credit: Iyengar Teacher Training Yoga Del Sur
1. Kneel on the floor keeping the knees together, but keeping the feet wider than hip width apart. 2. Rest the buttocks on the floor but not the body on the feet. 3. The inner side of each calf against the outer side of each thigh. 4. Keep the toes pointing back and extended on the floor. 5. Extend the palms on the soles of the feet. 6. Gaze forward.
Model: Sara Stover
Geometry: The upper legs are crossed over one another with the knees stacked and the feet pointing backwards either underneath the buttocks (classic pose) or beside the buttocks. The torso is upright and the arms are behind the back with one elbow up and one elbow down with the hands holding one another.  Primary Actions: Extend from the outer hips to the outer knees to draw the knees towards each other and compact the hips. Lift up from the pubis to the navel and the navel to the sternum and lift both sides of the chest up. 3. Pull on the hands (or the strap) to move the shoulderblades into the back and lift the chest.
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