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Love, Service, Devotion, Yoga


I taught a restorative yoga retreat last month where we contemplated the energy of the Ayurvedic constitution made up of Earth and Water, Kapha. We contemplated stability, density, structure, boundaries and flow. We discussed ways to antidote the excess and deficiencies that arise with these elements, which are predominant in the winter and early spring. 

International Women's Day
Yoga Style: 

It has been a little while since you have received an email from us. If we are being totally honest, this past year was a particularly challenging one on a number of different levels, personal and professional. I remember reading and sharing about last year being the Year of the Fire Rooster, in Chinese Astrology. What I read, indicated that Rooster years are about doing the constant disciplined day to day work. I certainly found this to be true this last year. It was a year of keeping my nose to the ground, putting one foot in front of the other and doing the work.

Yoga Style: 

Even though it is almost 90 degrees where I live in central Virginia, we have now officially transitioned into early Fall. If you cannot yet feel it in the temperature, you can see it in the colors of everything around you. What was lush and green a few weeks ago has started to turn yellow. Aptly, this is the color of this time of year, the color of the stomach and spleen meridians, our digestive organs, the Earth Element. 

Megan Bowles in Prasarita Padottanasana II
Yoga Style: 

Does this heat make it feel as if the summer could go on forever?  As we start the month of August, we are entering into the late summer period, the fifth season, recognized in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. BUT before we get ahead of ourselves, I wanted to share some final insights from the end of the summer season.

Yoga Style: 

In the middle of a house chore or bending over to grab something, if you suddenly feel a severe pain in back, then you are a victim of progressive backache.

The most common causes of backache are stretched muscles, strained ligaments and muscle spasm.

To get rid of this pain or manage it, you need to give at least a few minutes to back exercises every day. Don’t take this for granted and wait for the next backache event. Start from very now and say goodbye to your backache forever.


It's Officially Summer! AND the International Day of Yoga! In honor of these two special events, we are offering some sequences for you to enjoy on International Yoga Day, as well as a discount in our download store from today until the end of June!

International Day of Yoga

This blog focuses on helping its readers gain information about places where they can go on a wellness retreat in India when on a budget.


I made it through another Mother’s Day, but this year was different.  I have been inspired by women around the world who are sharing about their struggles with Mother’s Day; mothers who have lost children, women who have lost mothers and women who are not able to be mothers. Mother’s day has always been difficult for me, since I lost my mother, tragically, 28 years ago, just months before my thirteenth birthday. Once I recovered from the shock of the loss, which actually took about 5 years, I finally started to grieve.

Florence Ferebee Pope, Pilot
Yoga Style: 
Spirituality and Science Spirituality and Science is seen by many as two separate things. What we normally call Science is that which we can measure, see and prove. From that perspective, Spirit is perhaps the last thing to be found in any microscope. Both science and spirituality are the search for truth. Science searches the truth of the physical world. Spirituality searches the truth of the consciousness and its relation to the physical world. Science and Spirituality Science provides us with information, but brings about no spiritual growth or transformation


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