Back Extensions with a Chair: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class | iHanuman


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Back Extensions with a Chair: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class

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This 60 minute all levels class invites you to go deep with the support of a chair in back extensions.

View the entire class:

Props Recommended: Wall, Strap, Chair, Block and Blankets. Alternative props can be used.

Recorded with Yoga Cville, the home to Iyengar Yoga in Charlottesville, Virginia by iHanuman Yoga Media. View and Download More Yoga Classes & Workshops at

Virasana Credit: Iyengar Teacher Training Yoga Del Sur
English name: Hero's Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Find more space in the knees by drawing the flesh of the calves back and away from the knees.  
Credit: Nikolay Titov
English name: Mountain Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
The feet are together. The ankles, knees, hips and shoulders are in one line. Press into the feet to draw the thighs up.Fronts of the thighs move towards the backs of the thighs.Roll the outer shoulders ... more
Model: Sara Stover
English name: Cow Face Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Intermediate
Do not extend your lower ribs forward. Practice the arm action first before incorporating the legs.
Ardha Uttanasana
Barry Silver in Ardha Uttanasana
English name: Half Intense Stretch Pose
Practice type: Forward Bends
Practice level: Beginner
Model: Netta in Parsvottanasana for 2nd Trimester Pregnancy
English name: Intense Stretch of the Sides of the Body Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Press into the big toe mound of both feet to internally rotate thighs.Pull the abdomen towards the spine. Lift the torso out of the pelvis. Extend towards the head to reach the knee. Stretch the spinal... more
Model: Adri Kyser
English name: Camel Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Learn to bend backward while keeping control over the legs. Learn to keep the shins pressed down in order to lift the thighs and spine. Do not distort the legs for the sake of bending.If you cannot take the hands down... more
Model: Christy Brock
English name: East Facing Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Credit: Oksana Tara
English name: Upward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
This asana may be performed with the toes in the same positions as Chaturanga Dandasana.   Learn to raise the trunk higher up, using the arms as support.
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Lois Steinberg PhD in Urdhva Dhanurasana, Upward Bow Pose
English name: Upward Bow Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
Model: Sara Agelasto Credit: Peter Agelasto
English name: Upward Extended Foot Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to maintain the chest open while keeping the face relaxed. Keep the lower back extended towards the tailbone during the movement of the legs.Stretch the arms over the head, palms facing towards the ceiling to... more
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Corpse Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner

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