Revolution in Standing Poses: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class | iHanuman


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Revolution in Standing Poses: An All Levels Iyengar Yoga Class

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This 75 minute all levels class works up to challenging revolved poses including pasasana and parivrtta parsvakonasana, revolved side angle pose.

View the entire class:

Props Recommended: Wall, Strap, Chair, Block and Blankets. Alternative props can be used.

Recorded with Yoga Cville, the home to Iyengar Yoga in Charlottesville, Virginia by iHanuman Yoga Media. View and Download More Yoga Classes & Workshops at

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Model: Dawn F. Cala Nova, Ibiza, Spain
English name: Downward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to stretch from the hands to the buttocks and from the heels to the buttocks. - Geeta Iyengar, Preliminary Course. Keep the feet parallel to each other and extend the toes. Move the trunk towards the legs. Take... more
Maricyasana III
Model: John Schumacher
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricyasana III
Practice type: Twists
Practice level: Intermediate
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Angela Kukhahn in Utthita Parsvakonasana
English name: Extended Side Angle Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to keep the structure of the thoracic chest broad.Do not put dead weight on the bent leg.Outer edge of back foot presses into the mat.Tuck the right buttock in so that it remains in line with the outer right knee.... more
Bharadvajasana I
Model: Kate Hallahan Zuckerman Credit: Ellie WIlliams, Cville
English name: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Bharadvaja
Practice type: Twists
Practice level: Beginner
Draw the shoulderblades in the back to lift the sternum. Learn to turn the spine laterally before attempting to clasp. Pay attention to the fact that the turn is always to the opposite side that the legs are placed on... more
Model: Joy Marzec
English name: Noose Pose
Practice type: Twists
Practice level:
Virasana Credit: Iyengar Teacher Training Yoga Del Sur
English name: Hero's Pose
Practice type: Seated Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Find more space in the knees by drawing the flesh of the calves back and away from the knees.  
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
Model: Jenny Otto
English name: Revolved Side Angle Pose
Practice type: Standing, Twists
Practice level: Intermediate
The mobility should be quick and sharp without losing balance.Learn the following steps:1. Keep the hand on the waist.2. Stretch the arm towards the ceiling.Take the arm over the head; similar to Utthita Parsvakonasana... more
Model: Christy Brock
English name: East Facing Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Lois Steinberg PhD in Urdhva Dhanurasana, Upward Bow Pose
English name: Upward Bow Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Credit: Oksana Tara
English name: Upward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Intermediate
This asana may be performed with the toes in the same positions as Chaturanga Dandasana.   Learn to raise the trunk higher up, using the arms as support.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Model: Dawn F. Cala Nova, Ibiza, Spain
English name: Downward Facing Dog Pose
Practice type: Standing
Practice level: Beginner
Learn to stretch from the hands to the buttocks and from the heels to the buttocks. - Geeta Iyengar, Preliminary Course. Keep the feet parallel to each other and extend the toes. Move the trunk towards the legs. Take... more
Chatush Padasana
Chatush Padasana by Old Moon Yoga
English name: Four Footed Pose
Practice type: Backbends
Practice level: Beginner
Jathara Parivartanasana
Model: Amy Colwell Bluhm, Ph.D Anahata Project
English name: Turning the Stomach Pose
Practice type: Core Poses
Practice level: Beginner
Credit: Sara Agelasto
English name: Corpse Pose
Practice type: Restorative
Practice level: Beginner

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